Shmini: Flames of Silence Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionMatthäus MerianParashat HashavuaTzena Urena Shmini: Flames of Silence One of the most painful and heartbreaking narratives in the Hebrew Bible was read last…David LazarApril 18, 2015
S’firat Ha’Omer: Back to the Earth Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionPessahS'firat Ha'omer S’firat Ha’Omer: Back to the Earth Millenia before there were mobile apps, centuries before each day symbolized a different combination of the seven…David LazarApril 9, 2015
Pessah: How far we’ve come Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionPessah Pessah: How far we’ve come My Facebook and Twitter feeds are full of links to articles about how bad things…David LazarApril 2, 2015
Tzav: Widening the Circle Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat HashavuaUncategorized Tzav: Widening the Circle Last Shabbat we read a catalogue of sacrificial offerings that an Israelite might bring to…David LazarMarch 27, 2015
Vayikra: Searching for Meaning Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat Hashavua Vayikra: Searching for Meaning Anyone who is asked or expected to speak about the weekly Torah portion knows that…David LazarMarch 19, 2015
Trumah: Cherubim, Cupid and Communication Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat Hashavua Trumah: Cherubim, Cupid and Communication Is Valentine's Day good, or bad, for the Jews? Of course, I'm not really asking…David LazarFebruary 19, 2015
Mishpatim: Just everyday life… Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat HashavuaTalmud Mishpatim: Just everyday life… For some, religion happens mostly in the synagogue, church, mosque or temple and even then,…David LazarFebruary 12, 2015
Yitro: All Alone Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat HashavuaUncategorized Yitro: All Alone How do I know that this is really God talking to me? Will the people…David LazarFebruary 10, 2015
B’shallah: Faith and Resting on Shabbat Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat HashavuaShabbatTzena Urena B’shallah: Faith and Resting on Shabbat Can you do it? Are you able to go off the grid, refrain from using…David LazarJanuary 28, 2015
Bo: Remembering from Whence You Came Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionMatthäus MerianParashat HashavuaPessah Bo: Remembering from Whence You Came With Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday commemoration and the recent theatrical opening of the movie…David LazarJanuary 22, 2015