Vayehi: Finding the missing persons – Part 2 Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionMatthäus MerianParashat HashavuaRembrandt Vayehi: Finding the missing persons – Part 2 As I mentioned last week, the lovely image featured in a Mizrah printed in the…David LazarJanuary 5, 2015
Vayehi: Finding the missing persons Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat HashavuaTzena UrenaUncategorized Vayehi: Finding the missing persons A major theme in the book of Genesis, which we finish reading this Shabbat, is…David LazarJanuary 1, 2015
Vayigash: Telling the story differently, part 2 Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross Collection Vayigash: Telling the story differently, part 2 I have only now discovered a Hebrew language blog, Am Hasefer, where Rabbi Avishai Elbaum has posted another…David LazarDecember 29, 2014
Vayigash: Telling the story differently Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat HashavuaTzena Urena Vayigash: Telling the story differently We all tell the story differently. Whatever it was that happened to us or whatever…David LazarDecember 25, 2014
Miketz: Not Bearing a Grudge HannukahJewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat Hashavua Miketz: Not Bearing a Grudge The Torah represents a culture that doesn't easily forget. From the sibling rivalries of Genesis…David LazarDecember 16, 2014
Parshat Vayetzei: From Ladders to Redwoods Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat Hashavua Parshat Vayetzei: From Ladders to Redwoods "I've been here for five months now and I still say 'wow!' everyday". That's how…David LazarNovember 28, 2014
Parshat Toldot: Reaping the Blessing Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat Hashavua Parshat Toldot: Reaping the Blessing The Jewish practice of liturgical blessings provides a wonderful tool for creating a life of…David LazarNovember 21, 2014
Parshat Hayey Sarah: Visual Inspiration Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat Hashavua Parshat Hayey Sarah: Visual Inspiration For so many years, whether it was Talmud and Halacha in my late teens and…David LazarNovember 14, 2014
Parshat Vayera: Angels Running Interference Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat Hashavua Parshat Vayera: Angels Running Interference Angels, like God, exist whether we like it or not. As with God, the question…David LazarNovember 6, 2014
Get Ready for the Angels Jewish ArtLisa and William Gross CollectionParashat Hashavua Get Ready for the Angels As we arrive at this week's Torah portion, Vayera, we are introduced to angels. Get…David LazarNovember 5, 2014